Flex-A-Porte Printers
SHOP the rangeFlex-A-Porte Printers
Specially selected range of printers to accomodate the most common challenges of printing durable Industrial and Laboratory labels.
We have used the feedback from thousands of customers and our extensive labelling experience to compile a range of printers based on capability, performance, print quality, print durability and economy, specifically with the durable label user in mind.
All Flex-A-Porte printers feature movable reflective label sensors to sense any format of labels across the web, can sense/print labels as small as 4mm and have excellent speed and print quality and durability when printing with Flex-A-Porte durable resin ribbons. These are the printer atributes most commonly requested by durable label users over speed alone which is more of a priority for packaging applications.
While all of our printers will print labels in batches or one at a time we have put our printers into three categories based on throughput:
Our most popular printer with a robust metal case, intuitive user interface, ease of loading materials and ribbons, large roll and ribbon capacity, small foot print, feature rich with stand alone printing capability without the need to print from a PC and at an economical price point. Typically used for small to medium throughput from one to tens of thousands of labels in a day.
Has a smaller footprint, durable plastic case, lower price point and fewer features than the UNIVERSAL range but is a very capable machine. Ideally suited to light industrial facilities and laboratories who print labels one at a time or in batches up to the low thousands in a day .
Our most industrial machine with many of the features of the UNIVERSAL machine but with greater print speed at 7 Inches/Second and more options for connectivity and integration. This printer should be your first choice if you need an industrial work horse printing tens/hundreds of thousands of labels every day or one at time on very durable label constructions with lots af data, graphics, information etc.
To help you choose, tell us the size, quantities and type of labels you wish to print and we will suggest the most appropriate printer.